28; Spammy Scammy? Thank You Maammy!

Floods, Pestilence, Personal Tragedy, Mechanical Failures, System Rot, Poverty, War & Other Minor Inconveniences have prevented Sunday Sermons from being posted for many weeks.. did anyone actually notice? No matter, the Reverend is back with this classic escapist Sermon..

Spam Scam? Thank You Ma’am!

“Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam!

Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam!

Wonderful Spam!” –Monty Pythons flying Circus

I must confess that lately I’ve

become a connoisseur of Spam.

Not the mutant meat by-product, but

the e-mail kind of thing,

proliferating like toadstools after a storm

sprouting in rich profusion of the Internets rotten trunk,

and bottom feeding Scammers

that seek out your gullibility & Greed

with their prehensile lies

then try

and pull some dodgy sort of scam

that parts you from your Identity


your Money.

Yes, good old Spam mail,

that cultural cholesterol clogging the net.

(One day there’ll be so much at once we’ll

have a cyber stroke.)

Most of the Scams course are depressingly dull

and show no sense of Imagination.

(Yawn! Either I’ve won the Irish Sweepstakes

or my bank wants me to confirm

my pin number yet again. Does

anyone at all believe this shit?)

Where’s the sense of Magic & Wonder?

No, I like the ones that show signs

of a Weird Creativity to their Scamming

with maybe a hint of humour

in their Delivery.

Fantastic claims! Unlikely and complex scenarios!

That’s what I want!

Give me cyber-scams

where Unimagined Worlds come unexpectedly

swarming into view.

Like when they offered me a share

of Saddam Hussein’s buried gold!

Or the time they told me I had a controlling option

in an international diamond smuggling Operation.

AH! How their offers set my mind afire

with untold possibilities!

Now, I know it’s only encouraging them,

but sometimes I like to write back,

inspired to spout my own line of Fantasies.

I like to let them think I’m interested

in their dubious proposal while

trying to convince them of the reality

of my own bizarre claims.

On this basis,

I once became engaged to a Nubian Princess,

for about two and a half weeks.

(There were some ‘political problems’ to be sorted out

but then She’d inherit her father’s throne

and we could settle down

to a long & prosperous reign),

Alas! Negotiations broke down

in a welter of confusion & bad feeling,

but while it lasted my Life was aglow

with day-dreams of Adventure

& Romance.

I cut a picture of some fearsome tribal girl

out of an old National Geographic Magazine

and put it in my wallet.

so then I could walk around showing people

a picture of “my affianced.”

(When they displayed doubt I just

produced print-outs of selected emails. I

loved to see the uncertainty

dancing in their eyes,

as they wondered whether

to believe my outrageous lies.)

Other times I like to write back and point out

the Spammers’ spelling errors and

various grammatic flaws,

or the little inconsistencies of logic

that marred their Presentation.

I’d patiently explain why their ludicrous proposals

didn’t work for me,

and suggest ways they could improve their pitch.

Sadly, none have ever paid or thanked me

for beta-testing their product.

Indeed, mostly they don’t write back at all

so I’m not even sure if they take my advice

or use my twisted stories for their scams.

Ah! What an amazing rush it would be

to be spammed by one of my own preposterous Routines!

To know that my Creation

was existing out there in the cyber world,

independent as a virus,

enriching lives around the globe.

You’d feel like a parent feels watching their child

take its first few tottering steps,

or as proud as God must have felt

when They saw humans had learned to procreate.

So Yes! Go forth and multiply!

Enrich dull lives with fantastic imaginings!

And if lonely pensioners in caravan parks

give you their life savings,

who’s to say they’re not getting their money’s worth?

Let them Dream a little of what will never be.

Who am I to criticise? After all

you didn’t ask them to be gullible.

Oh wait..

you did.



From out of the Past comes a Vinyl Blast!

Out Now on Bandcamp!



The Reverend Hellfire..

..generally AWOL


~ by reverendhellfire on March 13, 2022.

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