16; To Be A Tree


To be a Tree

and spread my many toes

luxuriously through the sand & loam.

To drink sweet water from the ground,

grow fat..

and round.

To take my time

and swell with Life in the Summer sun,

wear like a shimmering veil my halo of bees.

Shake my verdant mane of leaves

in Springs’ cool breeze

while horses run or rest

in the shade below.

To be a Tree

and cradle nests,

cup tiny birdlings in my hands,

provide their parents perches & protection

there on my strong limbs.

Lay leaves upon the ground in Autumn,

a blanket for the chill Earth.

Sway and dance

when come the Winter winds,

whirling with the others of my kind

we bend & toss

like Dancers on a Grecian Vase

and Dream through long

and Moonless nights,

a brooding presence..




The Reverend Hellfire is a practised Performance Poet

and an Ordained Minister of the Church of Spiritual Humanism

and a bunch of other stuff we don’t have time to get into at the moment.

But it’s all good and strictly legit.


~ by reverendhellfire on July 31, 2022.

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